holly leavesCHRISTMAS WITH CHARMholly leaves

Christmas Bells

Personal Graphics Not For Download

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My family's stockings:

our family stockings

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snowballed elf                Click on the snowman

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I've drawn some Christmas colouring pages for you to print out and colour. Just click on the yellow crayon to go find them.

Colouring Pages

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I've made some Gift Tags for you to print out and use. Just click on the snowman below to go find them.

Gift Tags

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Have you ever wondered why having a decorated tree in our homes is part of Christmas ? Click on the sparkling tree !.

sparkling tree
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Need Christmas graphics ? Visit my Graphics Shack to view my large selection of Christmas graphics and backgrounds. Click on the logo below.

Charm's Graphics Shack Logo

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And let's not forget the real meaning of Christmas !

Jesus is the reason for the Season        Let's Leep The Christ In Christmas.

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   "Now when Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea in the days of Herod the king, behold, there came three wise men from the east to Jerusalem, saying, Where is He that is born the King of the Jews? For we have seen His star in the east and we are come to worship Him." -Matthew 2:1, 2

O Holy Night !

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This page created by
Charmaine V.
All graphics & text,
copyright © 1997 - Present
All Rights Reserved
Last Updated September 9, 2009.
